求助 神界2运行出错
运行游戏出现如下文字提示:the game has detected that you have installed a different version of Physx,if this is a newer version of Physx than the one with which the game shipped. this may be fine,but should you encounter abnormal termination of the game ,please visit the support page or contact technical support .
大概意思就是physx版本出错吧 应该装那个版本的才对?
cpu e7400
显卡 5770
内存 4g 补充一点 系统win7 RTM 点确定直接进游戏就行 没必要 点确定以后出现 could not create renderer 无法建立渲染 怎么办 难道是a卡不能玩? 已解决 换了个win7 basic主题 我点确定那个就能进游戏了……