神界2LOADING 界面花屏
我下的高压硬盘版.装完提示:the game has detected that you have installed a different version of PhysX.If this is a newer version of PhysX than the one with which the game shipped,this may be fine,butshould you encounter abnormal termination of the game,please visit the support page or contact technical support点确定以后可以进入游戏.
但就是点开始新游戏后LOADING 界面花屏 其他暂时没出现问题.
这是怎么回事 我也有这个提示,但是我并没有花瓶,不知道为什么 啥显卡啊?换个驱动呢 抱歉没办法帮你了没遇到过 ATI 1650GT 我显卡驱动去官网下最新的啊