mirio 发表于 2010-2-27 01:57




lzb148 发表于 2010-2-27 02:49


xinshiri 发表于 2010-2-27 07:24


178091977 发表于 2010-2-27 13:33


myholyghost 发表于 2010-2-27 19:01


eirakezhao 发表于 2010-2-27 19:13

不吃醋MOD ……


huanghuihu 发表于 2010-2-27 21:53


34144963 发表于 2010-2-27 22:03


Sunnyhmily 发表于 2010-2-27 22:08

Is ML that vital?

路西菲爾 发表于 2010-2-28 05:20

如果人参能用mod...我首先要让你们的mod无效 否则抢了我的mm

showgame 发表于 2010-2-28 08:09

回复 10# 路西菲爾 的帖子


zwhenailp 发表于 2010-3-1 14:47

这个游戏也能MAKE LOVE?

weiweimax 发表于 2010-3-2 19:05


leeyuanwei 发表于 2010-3-3 01:10


vinylon 发表于 2010-3-3 09:34


ningbo00 发表于 2010-3-3 14:06

You can try to two-time by starting a romance with a second character while romancing another. However, the older romantic interest will eventually confront you about it, and then you’ll have to decide on one relationship or the other. Once you are cut off from a romantic partner, you are cut off for good and will lose your friendly status.

你可以尝试和其他人再次恋爱 但是最终你必须选择其中之一 并且和另外一个断绝朋友关系

ningbo00 发表于 2010-3-3 14:08


Morrigan only likes men. Don’t even try to court her if you’re female. Begin by asking her questions about her upbringing and her powers. To make her friendly when she’s ready, talk to her in camp and she’ll say, “Tis a curious thing. I do not know how to describe it.” She’ll only say this line once, so make sure to say the right things. Choose
【Morrigan 只喜欢男人 如果你是个女人就别琢磨了 露营的时候对话选择如下(注意此此对话只出现一次 请正确选择)】:
“What? Is something wrong?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because I need you here.”
“I was hoping to be more than friends.”
To take it further and get romance started, start a conversation in camp after getting the Circle Tower grimoire and she will say, “I have a thought.” Respond with:

“Oh? What’s on your mind?”
“And? What’s in it for me?”
“My tent does get rather cold...”
After killing Flemeth and returning to Morrigan, she’ll talk to you after you give her Flemeth’s Grimoire. During the conversation say:

“Flemeth is dead, you are free.”
“Yes, but I intend to keep it for myself.”
“What? That’s it? Just a thank you?”
“What was that last bit again?”
To get Morrigan to invite you back to her tent, you have to be at care approval rating (50+ approval and romance active). Morrigan will not sleep with you if she’s in love with you (90+ approval). She’s into flings, and it only happens once.

ningbo00 发表于 2010-3-3 14:08


Leliana may be difficult to start a relationship with; however, she will with either a male or a female (male is easier). If you are male, when you talk to Leliana initially about her time in the cloister, you just have to talk to her in camp. You don’t even have to be at warm. Follow these dialogue choices:
虽然leliana 很难搞定 但是她有双性恋的潜质 即使你是一个女性玩家 也还是能和她成为情侣。

“I’d like to talk.”
“What was someone like you doing in Lothering’s Chantry?”
“You know, a beautiful charming woman like yourself.”
“Those initiates can’t have been more lovely than you.”
Romance will be started.
If your approval is 50+ with Leliana and you are female, you can talk to her in camp she’ll say (only once), “I...have I ever told you I really like the way you wear your hair?” Respond with the following dialogue choices:

“My hair? Thank-you.”
“Dear Maker!”
“Well we are friends aren’t we?”
“And do you enjoy the company of other women?”
“I think I might giggle and maybe look coy?”
Romance will be started.
If you finish the Marjolaine personal quest, talk to Leliana. She’ll say something like, “I know that look—you have something on your mind don’t you?” Respond with the following dialogue choices:

“We need to talk.”
“Are you feeling better?”
“Er, I think I see what you mean.”
“She was special to you wasn’t she?”
“I’m sorry it ended so badly.”
“Everyone changes unfortunately.”
“I can only hope to one day be as special as she was to you.”
Romance will be started.
If you’re looking to seduce Leliana, you have to be in a romance with her and she has to be in love with you, which means you have to have your approval at 100. Talk to her in camp. If she gives you the line, “It has been some time since I left Lothering. When I stepped out of the cloister I had no idea where my path would lead.” Keep being nice and eventually she’ll invite you to her tent. This only happens once.

ttttkk 发表于 2010-3-3 20:47

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查看完整版本: 可以同时和多人love关系吗?