the dead caste任务怎么完成
我在the dead trenches找到了铠甲四部分 然后去棺材里拿到dead caste徽章 最后去祭坛招出怪物干掉了= =没下文了~任务没提示了 After all four pieces have been acquired, the codex will reveal a location found inside the tunnel leading up to the Broodmother. Obtain the Dead Caste Insignia from the coffin and return to the Orzammar Shaperate to interact with the "Memories" book on the right-hand side of the shaper.
The armor does not need to be equipped.
晕~原来是回图书馆找一本书= = 最后去shaperate点一下那个叫memories的书就行了。这本书没有任务标志,我也是按着tab来找的 矮人城任务? 去·点sharper左手边台上的那本书