RTO V1.1 的 保護方法
轉自外國網站的Just use the tool via command-line interface and type the key to decode it, change the requireauthorization=1 to 0 in the INI and it should work without any problems.
I'll upload it later on.
EDIT: Here's the utility and a modified .bat file in the meantime, just place both in the C:UsersYourUserNameDocumentsBioWareDragon AgeAddIns folder and run the .bat, you can open it in notepad first if you are unsure about what it does.
(All credits to the creator of said utility and those who find the keys for the "addins".)
EDIT: The authorization=0 edit is done in the C:UsersUserNameDocumentsBioWareDragon AgeSettingsAddins.xml file. 看得懂就自己試吧.................... 这个RTO是啥东西? RTO应该是重返奥斯塔加的意思吧 将链接网站下载的中文件放入C:UsersYourUserNameDocumentsBioWareDragon AgeAddIns下,运行批处理文件,然后修改C:UsersUserNameDocumentsBioWareDragon AgeSettingsAddins.xml这个文件,找到并改动requireauthorization=1值为0保存即可