ME2 has no support of one core processors. Why is it ?
I think you are right. ME2 DOS NOT support single core processors. According to shop's forum, people, who had more than 2 cores are already playing and the ones with single core are sitting like the pigeons of peace and b*tching about their old hardware.
I have exactly the same problem.
There is code displayed when it staggers, but it only takes 1-2 seconds, then it is not responsive.
Will you fix this problem for me with a patch, because I don't intend to buy a new computer yet, I would rather wait a few months, because I know it will pay off.
P.S.: I have legal copy, but if this problem won't be corrected, I will simply return the game to the retail store.
Developers you can't ignore users with siggle core processors. 26 January you need to make patch or fix to resolve this problem. Because Demo of14gb was dissapointing because i can't play it. If this problem will be in official release people don't will not buy license copy of game.
Game Known Issues
Mass Effect 2 does not run optimally on a computer with a single core
CPU. We recommend that Mass Effect 2 PC is not played on a system
with a single core CPU. 不用下了 可有的单核同学也玩得好好的呢````
刚发现也有个双核同学也卡读取 要看什么核了
有些笔记本的阉割双核还不如高端单核呢 双核会不会呢?
回复 3# 第六感觉 的帖子
官方在游戏正式发布前估计是不会有什么动作的 为什么要这样!! 不试试,不甘心,继续下 我是双核 刚玩上 一切正常 怎1个“爽”字了得 哈哈哈