【Sex Movies Always Play ELF PC】 MOD 男人必备mod
下载地址 :http://d.namipan.com/d/9ae338783826284e39e59c9daa3b502305e9e2c784c30200These files are for Alistair, Morrigan, Leliana, and Zevran with an ELF player character.
NOTE: This DOES NOT automagically give you the option to have sex with these NPC's. It's still up to you to romance them enough so they're willing to go to bed with you. What this does is change the "quickie kiss" movie you get after bedding them for the first time to the sex scene movies.
Extract the files to My DocumentsBiowareDragon Agepackagescoreoverride
解压提取下载的文件放进 My DocumentsBiowareDragon Agepackagescoreoverride
Leliana: Selecting "Let's go to bed" will show lovemaking movie every time.
Alistair: Selecting "Let's go to sleep" will show lovemaking movie every time.
Morrigan: Selecting "(Kiss her)" will show lovemaking movie every time.
Zevran: Selectin "Care to join me in my tent?" -same
Since Alistair and Morrigan only romance opposite-sex, the movies are the same if
you're using the gender mod/cheat to romance them as a female. They look fine.
The Leliana files include both male and female movies.
Enjoy! 享受!
. 斑竹 快切 ~~~~~~~~~~ 楼主自己又转播了下 lz你自己又做人家免费广告了~~~~ 这都可以。。。。霸道 这英语机反的... 彪悍的机翻.... 强势插入第一页。。。 图片在哪里。。。。。。。。。。 强势插入第2 页。。。 抓紧机会,抢占道德制高点! 以前下过三种族打包的,不顶用,不知这个怎么样 现在流行机翻? 看不懂。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 支持一下, google 晕死,看不懂......... 强势的机翻非常耀眼。。。 顶起 好东西啊 渣翻译 英文好才是真的好 说实在的我就喜欢这种东西 哈哈哈哈哈哈 色狼围观 谁知道那个 显示对话显示中文翻译的怎么搞的 機翻的好強大呵呵 不過這個就是這款游戲的好處吧 不過你是S還是。。。。。都可以玩的很盡性呢 不错啊,不过怎么用啊。。 顶顶顶 这个好! 有点意思。。。 顶起