矮人城的deep roads的那条龙怎么召唤出来啊
RT,谢谢大家了 如果我没认错英文的话那只龙就是Archdemon吧 不是,我发现今天我让4个人(3个队友和一个英雄)分别站到矮人城的主城的4块石板时,队友间相互切换时发出了很诡异的音效,非常可疑啊 那个是皇宫的小龙,进大厅一个大石板,再进去左边2个小石板,HOLD后都踩上人,最后一个去点王座,刷条龙 哦,我发现我错过这个剧情了,这个似乎要在选国王之前完成
而且,据说这把剑插到deep road的一个祭坛里面还可以召唤一个东东。。。。 祭坛不知是哪个?一个是召唤个恶魔出来,可杀可拿钱,这个不用剑,还有个是矮人军团的祭坛,要穿军团一套的衣服去开,会出个怪,杀了毛都不掉。再有我就不清楚了 啊,矮人国这么多剧情呀,我一个都没碰上.... 貌似杀了也不掉什么东西。。。。。。。
回复 9# Demise09 的帖子
掉邪恶的AGELESS大剑,拉风属性还克DARKSPAWN,外形也不错 是矮人的王座那里招的,新国王一出就不能招了 附上英文攻略Caged in Stone
Type: Combat?Start: Royal Palace Throne
Destination: Royal Palace Throne
Task: Find codex on throne, solve puzzle, fight dragon
Quest Tips: In the Royal Throne Room, click on the throne to gain a codex entry. Next, you need to solve the puzzle. Leave your PC standing next to the throne. Send two companions to stand on the pressure points that look like arrows in the southwest corner (you will hear sliding stone if you stand on each one correctly). Send your last companion out into the main hall to stand on the central square pressure point. With all three companions in the correct position, access the throne again. A dragon will appear. Defeat the dragon for your reward (the Ageless two-handed sword is part of your reward). 谢谢了啊,正愁找不到那条龙呢。
晕!·错过了!咋弄喃!重新打?回复 6# ytsviva 的帖子
矮人军团的祭坛是哪?军团套的任务是不是The dead caste,拿了头盔会出一群幽灵那个?攻略写拿到insignia of the dead caste这个徽章回去交掉就结束任务了啊,怎么还可以穿着军团套去开祭坛么... The Gangue Shade找到这个任务了...双语攻略里竟然没有...杀皇宫小龙的任务也没写...郁闷.= = 还没玩到,望着满屏英文泪流满面,抱着本攻略看