通关后追加的任务the last of the elvhenan怎么做的
如题。通关后只能呆在营地里,除了DLC,什么地方都不能去,要找谁呢? 通关后还有追加任务???貌似没有吧,只有DLC可以去。 通关貌似么东西可玩了只能重新开始 能说明白的吗? 我通关后重新建立个号,就有了这个任务,不知道怎么完成!任务描述:
The last of the Elvhenan
While you were preparing for the night to come, an elven woman arrived
at your camp traveling with Bodhan and his son.She already started unloading
an anvil form their caravan. seemingly impervious to what you may think or wish.
You should meet with herbefore starting your watch...