龙腾新地图 来自CaiCai桑的分享哦 yada yada 兴高彩烈 重要更新
无法显示新队友的去原链接下载 看图!!本地下载已放出 在最后一张图片上面!!!
火热新地区建议和高难度MOD一起用!!! 不是我不发图实际上是我根本发不了图!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 新同伴???? 有forest lady????
好 ~~好强大
太感谢分享了~~ 前排围观.... 不明真相的群众围观中 大家看到姐姐发好的帖子 也要非常努力努力地把帖子Up上去ya!
这样姐姐才会努力努力的发更多好的贴子的说! 姐姐好。。。。 lz说话我想起了heroes里面的那个日本人... 我靠,大剑女都能招入队了?
这不无敌了 这是啥东西..?还没明白 alpha3.1 Released: Final Alpha Version
First remove all previous installations via JWVanderbeck's DAModder.
Use daupdater.exe in bin_ship/ or JWVanderbeck's DAModder to install the .dazip file.
You will get a new codex entry. The Enigma Battle Dungeon and all its features can be found in your Single Player Campaign on the World Map southwest of Denerim.
-Two brand new permanent companions to pick up (will continue with you throughout the rest of the main single player campaign) -> Vishala (Cauthrien's sister) and Vekuul (a darkspawn compelled by Duncan to fight by your side).
-Three unique boss fights with loot tables customized: The Enigma Dragon, General Remjin, and General Thanatos
-Custom Weapons/Armor to be found within the dungeon: King Maric's Gold Armor set (Helm, Boots, Gloves, Chest), The Enigma Blade (A legendary longsword), Andraste's Champion (A legendary greatsword), Band of Remjin, and Might of Thanatos.
-A custom NPC to help you on your way: (Vendor, Enchantment, Free Experience Points, Party Configuration, etc.)
-Three areas filled with difficult/complex monster setups and treasure chests/piles for you to strategically play through.
Beta1 is a big maybe, I may switch to a different project, as this was a learning experience. If I do decide to continue this project, beta1 will be next week. But frankly in my perfectionist nature I see this project as somewhat crude, and this may just be the final version! I look forward to hear everyone's input, please use the comments/discussion sections to tell me what you guys think, and post up your images in the gallery with mine!
SUGGESTED LEVEL: 18+ 还没明白這mod具體效用>.< 有新的地图了?。。。 拜托了
有明白的、有懂英文底、有会翻译的怎 就 不搞下
毕竟 E 菜的多而且是N多 、 戝多~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 就是在大地图上多了一个地下城
专门给你杀怪 有新装备有 新伙伴
可以招Darwswan 这个是地下竞技场? 如果没高难度MOD 就不能用是吗 杀到最后一层 竟然什么怪物都没有 整一层是空的 那个附件是高难度MOD吗?才几十K的东西 顶啊
2020202020202020 好帖大家顶起来啊 这个要顶,非常感谢。 顶... 不错啊,原来M学奥法穿上装备也是那么美啊.......
回复 18# sokywang 的帖子
不是是指配合后 更加可以被虐 有新地圖真不錯 游戏还木有下yadayadayadayo~~~!!!
还有.这个链接打不开了 支持不解释 !~