http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=301Allows players and followers to bash open most locked chests and doors (very configurable). This is the real deal, the character will actually attack the object and it will be destroyed with rubble and all (BioWare left some helpful remnants - puns always intended).
There is optionally a chance to break items when bashing chests. The chance of this is configurable, and also modified by "bashing level" - which is determined by Strength for Warriors, Magic for Mages, and Dexterity for Rogues. Bashing level also determines whether the character can bash down a door.
Note, if someone in your party is capable of picking the lock, instead of bashing, they will be commanded to do so automatically. No more having to switch to Leliana or Zevran (just get out of their way).
-- Install ---
Use daupdater.exe.
-- Configuration ---
Open DragonAge.ini, found in:
DocumentsBioWareDragon AgeSettings
And add the following lines to the bottom:
Most of these options are pretty self explanatory.
- BashNoRequirements will ignore checking a character's bash score and always allow bashing (currently applies to doors only).
- BashItemBreakChance has four settings, LOW (~20%), MEDIUM (~33%), HIGH (~50%), and NONE.
- BashAchievement causes bashing to count towards the lockpick achievement.
-- Uninstall ---
Uncheck from Downloadable Content.
-- Compatibility ---
All of my mods are 100% standalone scripts. No vanilla data is modified in any way.
- xatmos (David Arneson) 改平衡的mod最好少装 试一试 正愁战士看到箱子无法开锁55555555 游戏玩的是开心 开心就好
如果一个游戏已经无法使你开心了 再平衡也无趣