花落知多少 发表于 2009-12-9 09:21

Hardcore Mod 2.2 难度增强MOD 【骨灰级老鸟、修改党感觉难度不

下载链接: http://social.bioware.com/project/493/



This mod will be discontinued for the following reasons:

1) I suck at modding
2) I can't really improve this mod that much more with my current skill
3) I was really the only one working on this mod
4) There is a more advanced mod being created that I feel will end up better, and I would rather everyone here support that mod, as I will now. Here is the link to that mod: http://social.bioware.com/project/667/

This mod will remain online for anyone who still enjoys it to download and play it, but I will not be updating it anymore.

Thanks to those who supported its work and thanks to Joshua Raven for (IMO) an even better more advanced version.


Hardcore Mod
By Ucross, Forefall, and fldash
Last updated: November 17, 2009

Installation instructions:
Simply download all files into your “documents/bioware/dragon age/packages/core/override” directory

Link to modification: http://social.bioware.com/project/493/

Hardcore Mod v2.2 - -

Misc spell cost tweaks
Staves now have very limited armor penetration and a very slow rate of fire
Daggers and Bows are now based on dexterity and have been slightly boosted (i.e. dagger/bow hotfix now included)

Hardcore Mod v2.1 - -

Misc spell cost tweaks
Slightly raised attack and defense for all players

Hardcore Mod v2.0 - -

Hard* difficulty is now the same as Bioware’s nightmare difficulty (*Playing on hard is recommended)
Nightmare difficulty is significantly more difficult
Lyrium potions, health poutices, and injury kits are not useable
AI improvement: enemies will use powerful abilities more often
All enemies are much more resistant to spells
Requirements for spells have been changed to a level based requirement
The mana cost and cooldown of all spells and the mana pool of a mage has been significantly altered
Some spells have been removed (they can be skipped while leveling up that tree)
Heals are much less effective and have long cooldowns
Cleansing aura and magic weapons (flame, etc.) can now only be turned on when a mage has >330 mana
Players no longer gain small amounts of health, stamina, damage, or defense upon leveling
25 tactic slots per character
Rogues gain a skill (not talent) every level, warriors every 2nd level, mages every 3rd level
All shapeshifting is done immediately

Explanation of changes for v2.0

“Hard difficulty is now the same as Bioware’s nightmare difficulty
Nightmare difficulty is significantly more difficult”
Bioware’s version had little difference between normal, hard and nightmare. Players who wished to deviate in difficulty from normal had very little success in doing so. This mod makes it so that difference is drastic so players can find and play at the difficulty they choose to do so. Casual in this version is still quite easy and nightmare is now significantly more difficult (passable? I’m not sure).

“Lyrium, health poutices, and injury kits are not useable”
I have always disliked potions in games. If I went into a battle with 100 potions that healed for 50hp each it is almost the same as going into the battle with 5000 more health. I have fought battles in DA:O where I could just sit there and solo a hard boss by constantly guzzling potions. Bioware did an OK job by giving potions a small cooldown but overall they are still pretty lame. Besides, drinking a potion in the middle of a sword fight is a little ridiculous – the only reason it is accepted is because it has been propagated by previous games. Now when you go into battle you can really feel the difference a ‘tough’ warrior makes as their life is sometimes all they have. Additionally injury kits have been removed as there previously was no points to injuries when they were around. It was very easy to have 99 of these and anytime an injury occurred it was immediately removed. With the injury kits around, injuries were more of an annoyance of having to click the injuries off instead of anything else.

“AI improvement: enemies will use powerful abilities more often”
This is an effective way to make the game more challenging and at the same time improve gameplay. Spells often involve strategies to counter or react to their effects. Enemies using spells in more ideal circumstances will make the players feel like they are fighting smarter, and more challenging monsters.

“All enemies are much more resistant to spells
Requirements for spells have been changed to a level based requirement
The mana cost and cooldown of all spells and the mana pool of a mage has been significantly altered
Some spells have been removed (they can be skipped while leveling up that tree)
Heals are much less effective and have long cooldowns
Staves now have very limited armor penetration and a very slow rate of fire”
Mages are quite powerful. Infact, the most powerful parties in Bioware’s version of DA:O is 3 or 4 mage parties. Their ability to disable and damage enemies as well as heal allies make them significantly more powerful and imbalanced. Using them makes the game too easy and not using them could make the game too hard. These changes are to create a more balanced class structure between the warrior, rogue and mage. Addtionally, even with a magic resistance boost there are some spell that could be arguable abused to win many battles in an unintended or ridiculous manner (e.g. forcefield on your tank after he taunts). Thus, all spells were altered in terms of mana cost and the mages mana pool was significantly raised. The mana pool was raised along with the mana costs so that increases in willpower had less effect on the spells (since the spell cost was the main balance used to control the spells as spell effects was much more difficult, and sometimes impossible to alter). Heals were nerfed because they were so powerful it was difficult to balance mages without a nerf.

“Daggers and Bows are now based on dexterity and have been slightly boosted”
This is to make both worthwhile endeavors. Previously, bows were too weak and so were daggers and dexterity did not make much of a difference. Now this is not true. Additionally, it allows more strategy in battles. Having the enemy archers fire more damaging shots makes them more of a priority but harder to get to. This is ideal

“Slightly raised attack and defense for all players”
This makes warriors and especially rogues more viable helping to further balance the 3 classes. It gives a large benefit to rogues and warriors, and a minimal benefit to mages.

“Cleansing aura and magic weapons (flame, etc.) can now only be turned on when a mage has >330 mana”
This is so players do not wait until they have blown all their mana before turning these on. The resulting gameplay is one of ‘quickly use my mana so I can turn these on’ due to efficiency. That gameplay is not ideal; so to align enjoyment with efficiency this change was inacted.

“Players no longer gain small amounts of health, stamina, damage, or defense upon leveling”
In Bioware’s version of the game it goes from hard to easy as you progress through the levels. This is not ideal for those who want a challenge as they often find it off the bat only to be disappointed through the rest of the game. This change is to make the characters stronger off the bat and then gain less as the game goes on. It should make the game maintain a more consistent level of difficulty instead of progressively getting easier. The mana alteration on the mage should have a similar effect.

“25 tactic slots per character”
This change is to allow players to improve the AI of their allies to help automate a lot of their functionality. This gives players more control and prevents the players from having to micro manage as much if they so wish. For some players this will increase their enjoyment of the game. For others it should have almost no effect.

“Rogues gain a skill (not talent) every level, warriors every 2nd level, mages every 3rd level”
Simply rogues could use a lot more skills than the other classes and warriors could use more than mages. Mages need almost none. This just distributes those skills a little more appropriately

“All shapeshifting is done immediately (instead of requiring a cast time)”
Just because shapeshifting sucks so bad this should hopefully make it a little stronger.

luxiy2009 发表于 2009-12-9 09:24


longs 发表于 2009-12-9 11:45

卧槽! 硬核难度 还要上调

L1102 发表于 2009-12-9 13:54


花落知多少 发表于 2009-12-10 08:32


花落知多少 发表于 2009-12-10 10:30

者个也挺适合修改玩家 最好修改别太变态的玩家!!!

linkborrow 发表于 2009-12-10 10:57

25 tactic slots per character


lsmusic 发表于 2009-12-10 21:25


sk_09 发表于 2009-12-11 01:20


nuoji123 发表于 2009-12-11 03:51


okcard 发表于 2009-12-11 09:15


okcard 发表于 2009-12-11 09:25

法杖的破甲和攻击速度变的极小极慢。。改后的hard难度和标准nm难度一样,改后的nm难度 ,红蓝药,急救包不能使用(不明。。也可能是作用极小),敌人现在会经常使用强力技能,敌人的法抗大大提高....头晕了,睡觉去
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查看完整版本: Hardcore Mod 2.2 难度增强MOD 【骨灰级老鸟、修改党感觉难度不爽】不怕难度不够嗨就怕自己不够爽!!!