DLC weapons
Starfang - Random encounter with a meteor, take metal to Blacksmith at Soldiers peak after completion of Warden's Keep DLC
Asturian's Might (Upgradable - tier 6) - Find all 4 pieces of codec scattered in Warden's Keep and loot the chest from the painting in the main hall after you have sealed the veil
Antique Warden Crossbow - Loot off Warden bow leader just outside warden's keep
Winter's Breath - Loot off the Demon with 4 warden healing it in the main hall
Dead Thiag Shanker - Loot off Alpha Orge from Shale's Companion Quest after you completed the Ozammar questline
Olaf's prized cheeze cutter - Chest in eastern area of Stone Prisoner DLC initial town area
DLC Armor
Warden Tower Shield - Certain dialogue options opens this shield as a random loot from sophia's body
Warden Commanders Set (Upgradable - tier 7) - All Loot off Sophia
Unique Weapons
Beastmaster - Chest in Magi tower
Bloodline(Upgradable - tier 7) - Spider Queen in Deep roads
Ageless(Upgradable - +2slots) - Loot off Dragon in Ozammar throne room after triggering the 3 pressure plates
Axameter - Random World encounter after completing Dalish Elf Questline
Adoh - Loot off leader of White falcon leader in random city map transit encounter once chased the white falcon out of the pearl
Keening Blade - Collect 3 pieces of codec from ancient temple(Andraste Ash Questline), Dwarf in Tapster Tavern in Ozammar and brecillian ruins (Dalish elf Questline) after which you travel to the back alley in Denerim and enter the lock house.
Topsider's Blade - Collect 3 parts of the sword in different areas of deep roads and return to the grave for this sword
Yusaris - Collect all 5 codecs in magi tower and in the gathering hall where you find the last piece of the codec, touch the left, right center statues and the last on in the centre of that floor (there is a mini boss fight area) and return to the location where you picked wynne up and try to enter the basement door to trigger a fight
Spellweaver - Off a Mage deeper down into the ancient temple area (Andraste Ashes Questline) in the area where you find drakescales
Spear Thrower - Loot off Genlock Forgemaster in the Dead Trenches Area
Forgemaster's Hammer - Loot off Genlock Forgemaster in the Dead Trenches Area
Wolf Killer - Ironbark reward from Dalish Merchant questline
Thorn of the Dead Gods - Multiple weapons with different tier's, best can be found doing the Drifter's Questline by collecting 4 codecs of the areas in the deep roads and visiting the Drifter's Cache.
Marjolaine's Recurve - Completing Leliana's Companion questline (in a chest in the bedroom in the house where the quest is done)
Vanguard - Loot off Branka in deep roads
Branka's Shield - Loot off Branka in deep roads
这里漏了大剑女的 summer blade,拿法就是干掉她。。。可以靠bug拿两次。
Unique Armor Sets
Effort Set(个人认为是原版最强肉盾装,可以一拼血龙)
Duty helm - Use dog find item option in Anvil of the Void (注意,头盔不叫effort,别当废品卖了)
Effort Gloves -Drifter's Cache which is actually in the zone Caridin's Cross. You
can't open the cache until you complete the quest to find it though and in order
to do so there are four piles of rubble scattered throughout Caridin's Cross that
you must find.
There are four piles of rubble(3 actually, one is called a "Runestone") scattered
throughout the zone; one at the southwest exit, one southwest of the bridge,
one in the center part of the zone and one in the Deepstalker Cave(You'll know
you're at the right place when you get attacked by a Deepstalker Matriarch) at
the East side of the zone (towards the south).
这里原作者弄错了,我另外找了段正确的。Effort gloves 相当的麻烦。。。简单来说就是在caridin cross有三个rubble 加一个ronestone里有codex,要找仔细,建议杀干净后开着tab细搜三遍,还找不到就算了吧。。。集齐四个之后就可以开启一个任务,那个任务就会标明手套所在地,个人认为还是值得一做的,不仅有effort套装,而且奖励还是相当丰厚的。
Boots - Merchant in Ozammar Dust town
Effort Chestplate - Loot off Broodmother
Juggernaut Set(最强的元素抗性,很适合圣武士)
Visit the 3 tomestones in Brecillian forest and loot off the Revenants (Mages Treasure Questline)
Last piece is in the elven Ruins where you have to find a tablet in a sarcophagus which instructs you on how to solve the ritual puzzle in the next room
Diligence Set(除了高级龙甲外最好的秘法斗士套装,属重甲,整套后疲劳度很低)
Diligence Chestplate - Ancient temple off a knights body (Andraste's Ashes Questline)
Diligence Boots - at Owen's in Redcliffe.
Diligence Gloves - in chest at the back of the Shaperate in Orzammar
Drake/Dragon Armor
6 piece of Drakescale from Drakes in Cave area of Andraste's Ashes Questline
1 piece of Dragonscale from High Dragon fought at mountain top Andraste's Ashes Questline
bring them to Waye in Denerim
注意了,先用drake scales给wade练手,并且建议两次都要给足钱,然后做最终的龙甲时是高级版本(可选中、重、超重),绝对的最强装甲,没有之一。另外drake scale做出来的高级班龙皮甲也是非常好的盗贼甲。
Dead Legion Set
Dead Helm - Off altar in room before broodmother in Dead Trenches
Other 3 pieces can be found in sarcophagus littered in Dead Trenches
Dead Coat of Arms - Loot off Revenent (phalyactery) in one of the dead alley's in Denerim
Ancient Elven Set
Ancient Helm - Trading the hermit in the forest
Ancient Gloves - In one of the chests in Haven (Andraste's Ashes Questline)
Ancient Armor - in Chest in Elven Ruins near entrance to werewolf lair
Ancient Boots - (suppose to be in lothering locked cabinent)
目前证实是bioware忘记把boots放进lothering locked cabinent里了,已知的解决方法是可以装mod或者修改。
从属性描述来看这应该是专为秘法准备的,如果集齐的话那么最佳秘法套装就是它了,只可惜现在有bug。 Starfang是被過份神化了,營地買到的The Veshialle不比單手Starfang差。 http://www.gamebanshee.com/dragonageorigins/searchequipment.php
Ancient Boots我翻箱子出过 。。。 英文不多 谁辛苦下翻译下关键武器由来? 感谢楼主!!!