longman01 发表于 2009-12-5 00:26

DAMv011 修正改良了不少bug和设定,好东西让大家分享(已翻译)

这是一个非常方便的mod管理器。来自 Dragon Age Nexus。

Title: Dragon Age Mutator
Goal: Improve various aspects of the game
Author: TheMutator
Date: 03.12.2009
Version: 011
Website: http://social.bioware.com/project/873/

1、R0: Make EASY difficulty harder(调高easy的难度。)
Increases the difficulty of the EASY setting by almost 50%. The gap between EASY and NORMAL is almost 200% compared to the difference between NORMAL and HARD. This and the following mod adjust it to a normal curve between EASY and NIGHTMARE.

2、R0: Make NORMAL difficulty easier
Decreases the difficulty of the NORMAL setting by almost 30%.
(normal 难度大概降低30%左右)

3、R1: Display rewarded and stolen items
Whenever you use pickpocket or receive rewards through quests or other means beside looting you now get a message above your characters head telling you what it was.

4、R0: Make shapeshifting instantly and without downtime
Shapeshifting becomes blinding fast and without cool down. It is now a real alternative to the other specializations.

5、R0: Silence Shale's footsteps
Exchanges the clunky and unnerving sound of Shale walking around with the normal sound of a large humanoid.

6、R1: Unhide all specializations
This will instantly unhide all specializations for your class without changing anything about your achievements, quests or companions. If you delete this mod again it will be as it would have never existed. Talent points you spent however are still assigned but as long as you keep the abilities on your action bar they are usable. Otherwise you will need to unlock the specialization the original way to gain access to it again but your points will be waiting for you there.

7、R0: Maximize available tactical slots
Get 25 tactical slots on a character the next time he gains a level.

8、R1: Swap your gender in the eyes of others
Playing a female and want to sway Morrigan or playing a male who wants to impress Allistair? Here you go. Be aware, that while this mod is active, the whole game will see you as the opposite gender. So it's best to active for "special" purpose only.

9、R1: Disable auto leveling for new companions
If you gain a new companion the game won't assign attributes and skills/talents/spells anymore. You are now free to do that as you wish.

10、R0: Stealing without cooldown
Very simple. Instead of waiting for the skill to recharge, it refreshes instantly.

11、R0: Your companions like you faster
It's harder to get your companions to dislike you and easier to get them to love you.

12、R0: Improved and expanded item sets
All sets can have two different bonuses but most of them only use one. This mod expands all sets with only one bonus with a second,minor one and improves the other sets to keep them all in balance.

13、R1: Less transparent and faster in stealth
This changes the silly ghost effect to a minior transparency, makes you move at 80% instead of 60% and stealthed foes are very slightly visible while they are stealthed.

14、R1: Summoned creatures do not disappear
After area transition and traveling summoned creatures will remain instead of being removed.

15、R1: Containers and dead foes are more likely to contain coin
There is now a chance on nearly every enemy and box to contain a very random but still balanced amount of coin for all those heroes who like shopping.

16、R0: Spellcasting can't be interrupted
When suffering damage and effects, spellcasting can be interrupted. With this mod this won't happen anymore.

17、R0: Finishing moves happen more frequently
Primarly in melee, there is a chance, that foes will be killed with a special finishing move animation. This mod increased the frequency of them happening.

18、R1: Death Syphon and Death Magic improvements
(加强Death Syphon和Death Magic 这两个技能。)
The range of these spells is doubled and so is their efficiency.

19、R1: Open locks with warriors "bravery" and mages "staff focus"
(学了bravery的战士和学了staff focus的法师可以开锁)
These talents are now active and can be used on locked objects. They can open any pickable lock no matter the difficulty but there is a cost involved. Since forcing open locks damages the content, the spell automatically removes a small amount of silver from your possession.

MaxWunsche 发表于 2009-12-5 08:01


MaxWunsche 发表于 2009-12-5 08:04


hlc2002 发表于 2009-12-5 10:27

LZ   太爱你了,,,我是4FS+招骷髅队

wrhunter 发表于 2009-12-5 10:41

R0: Spellcasting can't be interrupted
When suffering damage and effects, spellcasting can be interrupted. With this mod this won't happen anymore.


R1: Open locks with warriors "bravery" and mages "staff focus"
These talents are now active and can be used on locked objects. They can open any pickable lock no matter the difficulty but there is a cost involved. Since forcing open locks damages the content, the spell automatically removes a small amount of silver from your possession.


longman01 发表于 2009-12-5 10:44

原帖由 wrhunter 于 2009-12-5 10:41:00 发表
R0: Spellcasting can't be interrupted
When suffering damage and effects, spellcasting can be interrupted. With this mod this won't happen anymore.


lamar9982 发表于 2009-12-5 10:44

直接去Website: http://social.bioware.com/project/873/

bunny3oh 发表于 2009-12-5 13:28


longman01 发表于 2009-12-5 13:29


elevenh 发表于 2009-12-5 13:34

等出来免DVD等一系列 我再下载

bunny3oh 发表于 2009-12-5 15:19


microfan 发表于 2009-12-5 16:54


sigmund100 发表于 2010-4-17 14:01


尾张の吉法师 发表于 2010-4-18 11:50

页: [1]
查看完整版本: DAMv011 修正改良了不少bug和设定,好东西让大家分享(已翻译)