求助~ 弹出问题~~~
玩到见完Morrigan的妈妈然后回到营地就弹出了读档也是,还没进到界面就弹出。。。。请问各位大大有什么办法? 求求各位帮我一下吧~~~~~~~~~~~我好想玩下去、、、、、、 First, I like to say for those who have ATI cards and run Windows Vista/07 will have more problems than if running an Nvidia card. I had so many problems on an ATI card on Vista until I decided to go with Nvidia, granted the card runs nice and fine on Vista so long I do not over clock it. But the ATI BAH! Even in stock mode the card gave me more random crashes than I can count. You can if you have an ATI card check out this link and glance at the older posts, you may find something that may help:http://www.driverheaven.net/vista-radeon-display-drivers/133188-vista-7-3-display-driver-atikmdag-stopped-responding-error-56.html
I solved my crash problem with the ATI crashes by switching over to Nvidia card.
Now for those that are experiencing problems with Nvidia cards I done some testing and found out with the game Dragon Age I had to lower the graphics to the Performance level through the Nvidia control panel. Ever since that the game didn’t crash for hours. Before this manipulation it crashed on me sometimes after a movie and sometimes randomly while entering the journal or entering a room etc…
Now I can finally play this dam game without worry about saving the my progress every dam step. I have found a minor solution to help with the ‘crash on loading’ issue. When you start up the game, go into settings/options and lower all your video settings to a minimum, and disable vertical sync and effects.
From experience, this allows the game to load whatever save I want and once in the game, I just pop up all my video settings again.