RT................按照论坛的一个帖子的攻略走的这个召唤任务到最后一步却发现 那个攻略好像不对~~~现在卡到这了 郁闷啊
麻烦各位给解说下!!!! 具体是卡在哪儿了? 按J,然后去看第三项Codex ,然后展开最下面的Quest-Related 子菜单,
然后看301号文件,标题叫Summoning Sciences,分别解释了3个火怎么灭,很详细。 原帖由 mingyueshen 于 2009-11-26 22:02:00 发表
按J,然后去看第三项Codex ,然后展开最下面的Quest-Related 子菜单,
然后看301号文件,标题叫Summoning Sciences,分别解释了3个火怎么灭,很详细。
一共有4个法阵~~~我现在卡到最后一个了前面3个都过了~~~真是郁闷 最后一个很麻烦的,我是自己试的,有2个点要重复2次才能继续的,貌似所有的都要点到,把人分2组,慢慢来吧,不过成功后没什么怪或者宝贝,具体是什么我就不剧透了
回复 5# ytsviva 的帖子
崩溃了~~~试了好多遍还是过不去。。。要没啥好东西我就不弄了。。。 Exercise 1:1. Touch the "Summoning Font" - (it will activate the flames)
2. Touch the "Tome Of Spirit Personages" - (1st section)
3. Touch the "First Summoning Flame" - (a spirit hog will pop out and die, leaving you an item)
Exercise 2:
1. Touch the "Summoning Font" - (it will activate the flames)
2. Touch the "Rodercoms Uncommon Calling" - (3rd section)
3. Touch the "Statue of Magus Gorvish" - (1st section)
4. Touch the "Second Summoning Flame" - (it will summon Trickster who will disappear)
Exercise 3:
1. Touch the "Summoning Font" - (it will activate the flames)
2. Touch the "Elvor’s Grande Bestiary" – (3rd section)
3. Touch the "Table" - (1st section)
4. Touch the "Spiritorum Eterialis" (3rd section)
5. Touch the "Statue of Magus Gorvish" - (1st section)
6. Touch the "Novice Philactery" - (1st section)
7. Touch the "Third Summoning Flame" - (this summons a bear like creature, kill it and get some gloves)
Exercise 4:
(start by having someone in your party with the pick pocket ability.)
1. Touch the "Summoning Font" - (it will activate the flames)
2. Touch the "Tome Of Spirit Personages" - (1st section)
3. Touch the "Rodercoms Uncommon Calling" - (3rd section)
4. Touch the "Statue of Magus Gorvish" - (1st section)
5. Touch the "Elvor’s Grande Bestiary" – (3rd section)
6. Touch the "Table" - (1st section)
7. Touch the "Spiritorum Eterialis" - (3rd section)
8. Touch the "Statue of Magus Gorvish" - (1st section)
9. Touch the "Novice Philactery" - (1st section)
10. Touch the "Fourth Summoning Flame" - (PLEASE NOTE: this is in the center room, not in the current room with the rest of the items.)
(Now quickly use pickpocket on him before he disappears)
回复 6# woaihaitun 的帖子