法师SOLO的利器,spell combination 完整版 (台湾论坛找来的,
Primal CombinationsGrease Fire Grease + Flame Blast或者Grease + Fireball (著火的池子.超實用.跳一下就快30,个人觉得+fireball更好,能保持安全距离)
Quencher Grease Fire + Blizzard (這是滅掉Grease Fire的方法)
Storm of the Century Spellmight(持续状态下) + Blizzard + Tempest (超猛.傷害範圍超誇張)(范围是原来暴风雪的2倍,法师离远点,放完快跑,不然陪葬)
Shattering Petrified or Frozen enemy + Critical hit/Stone fist/Crushing Prison
Creation Combinations
ParalysisExplosion Glyph of Paralysis and Glyph of Repulsion
Entropy Combinations
Nightmare Sleep + Horror(單體高傷1xx)
Improved Drain Vulnerability Hex + Drain Life OR Drain Mana(DL約4x~7x.)
Entropic Death Death Hex + Death Cloud (Only does damage once, not on every tick
of Death Cloud)
Spirit Combinations
Shockwave Force Field + Crushing Prison
(以被Force Field 的對像為中心放出擊倒傷害波8x.也是敵我不分)
(如果隊友被放Crushing Prison可以靠Force Field解開.一樣有衝擊波)
Advanced Reanimation Spell Might + Animate Dead
(Animate Dead 在v1.01只對人類or骷簍死亡後化骨前的屍體有用)
Mana Clash
(目前最高看到1001......四位數阿!爽) 回楼上:请仔细看各技能说明
Creation Combinations
ParalysisExplosion Glyph of Paralysis and Glyph of Repulsion