抢修。。。 小BOSS跳出 一个5级黄名的怪打完跳出。。不知道是不是BOSS 还有一个小问题,鼠标错位,比如我的指针在这实际指针在上面一点点,有时打怪需要特意点下来一点。。 我也是打一个蜘蛛BOSS 显示C++错误跳出的... 打到第三层,刚打死一个小BOSS,还没注意怎么回事就跳出了无语 请确认当时的声望。。
后来修复了。。。 我也是打三层的那个蜘蛛BOSS那跳出的 试了好几次都不行 声望没到升级标准 我是打那个被老头变成怪物的BOSS退出的!! 明确记得刚打死那只蛮大的怪的时候就错误。。
回复 10# 奀猪 的帖子
那个似乎是声望问题 我去交第一个任务就被弹出了 ~ 第1个任务一交就跳出. 打BOSS之前声望是1552... 似乎是1600声望升级? 补上BOSS是那个老头把跟我一起打来的那个变的那个怪 是的1600升级 原帖由 奀猪 于 2009-11-15 4:49:00 发表我是打那个被老头变成怪物的BOSS退出的!!
我也一样啊~ microsoft visual c++ runtime library这个错误!~~ 已测试确定,声望升级必然跳出(不管是交任务还是杀JY怪),声望不升级时杀JY怪不跳~~ LS 如果这是真的,我就泪流满面了 为什么要泪流满面 第1个任务一交就跳出. LS的,汉化后总会降低点速度的....
我们努力修补中 确定是声望一级升二级就会跳出 全新安装系统, 装汉化版运行正常, 第一次出错在回小镇领任务回报时..
以下是出错日志:05:50:06: Plugin successfully installed
05:50:06: *-*-* OGRE Initialising
05:50:06: *-*-* Version 1.6.4 (Shoggoth)
05:50:06: Path for saving is ... C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Runic Games/Torchlight/SAVE
05:50:12: Setting YRatio Init - 1.33333
05:50:13: Two different objects are sharing the same name.
They are:
Object is being renamed to V皮质披肩0
05:50:13: Two different objects are sharing the same name.
They are:
Object is being renamed to V皮质护肩0
05:50:13: Two different objects are sharing the same name.
They are:
Object is being renamed to V皮质肩甲0
05:50:13: Two different objects are sharing the same name.
They are:
Object is being renamed to V重型皮质披肩0
05:50:13: Two different objects are sharing the same name.
They are:
Object is being renamed to V重型皮质护肩0
05:50:13: Two different objects are sharing the same name.
They are:
Object is being renamed to V重型皮质披肩1
05:50:24: CreateViewports AspectRatio message - 1280 x 1008
05:50:24: CreateViewports AspectRatio message AR - 1.26984
05:50:24: WindowResized message - 1280 x 1008
05:50:24: stored res is - 1280 x 1024
05:50:24: WindowResized AspectRatio message - 1280 x 1008
05:50:24: WindowResized AspectRatio message AR - 1.26984
05:50:24: WindowResized Setting YRatio - 1.3125
05:50:24: WindowResized message - 1280 x 1008
05:50:24: stored res is - 1280 x 1024
05:50:24: WindowResized AspectRatio message - 1280 x 1008
05:50:24: WindowResized AspectRatio message AR - 1.26984
05:50:24: WindowResized Setting YRatio - 1.3125
05:50:24: WindowResized message - 1270 x 998
05:50:24: stored res is - 1280 x 1024
05:50:24: WindowResized AspectRatio message - 1270 x 998
05:50:24: WindowResized AspectRatio message AR - 1.27255
05:50:24: WindowResized Setting YRatio - 1.29948
05:50:24: WindowResized message - 1264 x 986
05:50:24: stored res is - 1280 x 1024
05:50:24: WindowResized AspectRatio message - 1264 x 986
05:50:24: WindowResized AspectRatio message AR - 1.28195
05:50:24: WindowResized Setting YRatio - 1.28385
05:50:24: WindowResized message - 1280 x 1024
05:50:24: stored res is - 1280 x 1024
05:50:24: WindowResized AspectRatio message - 1280 x 1024
05:50:24: WindowResized AspectRatio message AR - 1.25
05:50:24: WindowResized Setting YRatio - 1.33333
05:50:24: setting fullscreen - 1280 x 1024
05:50:24: stored res is - 1280 x 1024
05:50:24: Fullscreen Switch Setting YRatio - 1.33333
05:50:24: AspectRatio message - 1280 x 1024
05:50:24: stored res is - 1280 x 1024
05:50:24: AspectRatio message AR - 1.25
05:50:24: GAMEUI AspectRatio message - 1280 x 1024
05:50:24: GAMEUI AspectRatio message AR - 1.25
05:50:45: There appears to be two quests named the samething. HATCHACQUIRECRYPT
05:50:45: There appears to be two quests named the samething. HATCHACQUIRECRYPT
05:50:45: There appears to be two quests named the samething. HATCHACQUIRECRYPT
05:50:45: There appears to be two quests named the samething. HATCHACQUIRECRYPT
05:50:45: There appears to be two quests named the samething. HATCHACQUIRECRYPT
05:50:51: GAMEUI AspectRatio message - 1280 x 1024
05:50:51: GAMEUI AspectRatio message AR - 1.25
05:51:19: Unable to find unit spawner for monster.Meaning the unit spawner didn't spawn this time either because of a bug or editor logic.
05:51:19: Unable to find unit spawner for monster.Meaning the unit spawner didn't spawn this time either because of a bug or editor logic.
05:52:05: WindowResized message - 1280 x 1024
05:52:05: stored res is - 1280 x 1024
05:52:05: WindowResized AspectRatio message - 1280 x 1024
05:52:05: WindowResized AspectRatio message AR - 1.25
05:52:05: WindowResized Setting YRatio - 1.33333 交任务的时候跳出 声望一级升二级就会跳出